Thursday, February 18, 2021

Best CA firms in Delhi NCR for articleship

If you are planning to pursue the lucrative course of chartered accountant then you ought to join articleship with a good CA firm. Articleship is a 3 year practical training phase that enables the CA student to gain real and practical experience by working on real assignments for real employers.

It is important that students should enroll in the best CA firm in Delhi, so that they get good practical work experience and understand all the ins and outs of accounting, its principles and applications.

Articleship training period is the golden period in the life of a CA student. During this period the student has to face umpteen numbers of challenges, get infinite opportunities and turn into a true professional. It is the practical exposure to the things one has learned in their course. It is therefore important to have the right mentor who can guide one in the right direction and help you in transpiring into a true professional without disturbing your CA final studies.

Here are the certain points that you should consider while choosing the best CA firm in Delhi for articleship training:

  1. Working hours: One of the most important points that should be taken into account while joining a firm for articleship is its working hours. It is important that you choose the firm whose working hours are feasible to you so that you can strike a perfect balance with your CA study and articleship. Yes it is good to have great exposure but end of the day your goal is to be a chartered accountant for which you need time to study. Accordingly choose a CA firm with normal working hours and where you do not waste time in travelling unless there is no such good firm near you. At times during peak season you will be required to work for extra hours but this should not be followed for the entire year.
  2. Exposure during article ship: After you have been short listed in the CA firm for articleship, you must discuss the exposure aspect in detail with the HR or the concerned person so that you are aware of what kind of work would be allotted to you during these tenure. There are lot if firms who keep articles and delegate work that certainly do not add any value for them so make sure about the work you get.
  3. Leave policy: The policy of leave should be discussed in detail and should be written in writing as most students must be doing graduation along with CA course and thus require leaves in between to prepare for their exams. Also, one has to prepare for CA finals and need at least 3 to 4 months leave. Few professional CA firms in Delhi NCR are good when it comes to allowing leaves but there are few others who are strict when it comes to the leave part. So prior discussion is required so that you get leaves for exam preparations and practice.
  4. Never focus on stipend: There is the trend these days when it comes to choosing a CA firm for articleship on the basis of stipend offered. It is advisable to not to be in a hurry to make money. It is suggested to choose the firm that gives you a good exposure and practical training even if it pays minimum stipend as per ICAI norms.
  5. Talk to seniors: A person who is already working in the firm will be best to guide you about the work culture and the kind of exposure the firm provides. Enquire about the number of clients the firm is dealing with, services offered, leave policy, nature of tasks allotted for articles etc.


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